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Drug Interaction Details
01. General Information
Pair Name Sulforaphane, Cisplatin
Phytochemical Name Sulforaphane (PubChem CID: 5350 )
Anticancer drug Name Cisplatin (PubChem CID: 5702198 )
Structure of
Structure of
Anticancer Drug
02. Combinatorial Therapeutic Effect(s)
Synergistic Effect
Enhancing Drug Efficacy
Combination Pair ID: 907
Pair Name Sulforaphane, Cisplatin
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C73] Ovarian cancer Investigative
Biological Phenomena Induction-->DNA damage
Gene Regulation Up-regulation Expression MIR30A hsa407029
In Vitro Model A2780 Ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0134
IGROV-1 Ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1304
In Vivo Model A2780/CP70 and IGROV1-R10 cells (4×10⁶) were injected into nude mice sub cutaneously.
Result Our findings indicated that SFN could enhance cisplatin sensitivity of ovarian carcinoma cells through up-regulating miR-30a-3p to induce DNA damage and accumulation of intracellular cisplatin.
Combination Pair ID: 541
Pair Name Sulforaphane, Cisplatin
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C60] Breast cancer Investigative
Biological Phenomena Inhibition-->Epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Gene Regulation Up-regulation Expression CDH1 hsa999
Down-regulation Expression CDH2 hsa1000
Up-regulation Expression CLDN1 hsa9076
Down-regulation Expression CTNNB1 hsa1499
Down-regulation Expression MMP2 hsa4313
Down-regulation Expression MMP9 hsa4318
Down-regulation Expression SIRT1 hsa23411
Down-regulation Expression SIRT2 hsa22933
Down-regulation Expression SIRT3 hsa23410
Down-regulation Expression SIRT5 hsa23408
Down-regulation Expression SIRT7 hsa51547
Down-regulation Expression SNAI1 hsa6615
Down-regulation Expression SNAI2 hsa6591
Up-regulation Expression TJP1 hsa7082
Down-regulation Expression VIM hsa7431
Down-regulation Expression ZEB1 hsa6935
In Vitro Model MDA-MB-468 Breast adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0419
MDA-MB-231 Breast adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0062
Result The results of the current study suggests that CIS when supplemented with SFN, inhibits metastasis and stemness potential of TNBC cells by down regulating SIRTs-mediated EMT cascade. Overall this study affirms that, this novel combination could be a promising strategy against SIRT-mediated TNBC metastasis and CIS-resistance.
Combination Pair ID: 547
Pair Name Sulforaphane, Cisplatin
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C28] Malignant mesothelioma Investigative
Biological Phenomena Induction-->Blockade of cell cycle in G2/M phase
Gene Regulation Down-regulation Phosphorylation AKT1 hsa207
Up-regulation Expression BAX hsa581
Down-regulation Expression BCL2 hsa596
Up-regulation Cleavage CASP3 hsa836
Down-regulation Expression CCND1 hsa595
Up-regulation Phosphorylation CDK1 hsa983
Down-regulation Expression CDKN1A hsa1026
Up-regulation Expression MAP1LC3B hsa81631
Down-regulation Phosphorylation MTOR hsa2475
Up-regulation Cleavage PARP1 hsa142
Up-regulation Expression TP53 hsa7157
In Vitro Model NCI-H28 Pleural sarcomatoid mesothelioma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1555
Result Pro-oxidant activity of sulforaphane and cisplatin potentiates apoptosis and simultaneously promotes autophagy in malignant mesothelioma cells
03. Reference
No. Title Href
1 Sulforaphane enhances the cisplatin sensitivity through regulating DNA repair and accumulation of intracellular cisplatin in ovarian cancer cells. Exp Cell Res. 2020 Aug 15;393(2):112061. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2020.112061. Click
2 Sulforaphane-cisplatin combination inhibits the stemness and metastatic potential of TNBCs via down regulation of sirtuins-mediated EMT signaling axis. Phytomedicine. 2021 Apr;84:153492. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2021.153492. Click
3 Pro-oxidant activity of sulforaphane and cisplatin potentiates apoptosis and simultaneously promotes autophagy in malignant mesothelioma cells. Mol Med Rep. 2017 Aug;16(2):2133-2141. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2017.6789. Click
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